I love being a teacher; I really do.
I get to positively impact the lives of children on a daily basis - challenging but surmountable 'even' in a British lock-down.
What a year so far: what a crazy, crazy year?
For some bizarre reason, I haven't touched Shelly Clover 2 (90,000 words and counting) in nearly two years. I'm neeeaarllllyy there with that. Is it confidence issue as I approach the finish line? Is it subliminal procrastination? Goodness only knows.
What I do know - despite Stephen Covey's assertions surrounding 'circles of influence and circles of concerns' in his book, 'The 7 Habits of highly effective people' - is that life throws some substantial roadblocks.
I can also unequivocally and categorically state that our privatised education system here in the UK is so consuming, so exponentially consuming...that my dreams are on the back-burner.
I will return to Mis-fit, Misplaced, Miss Shelly Clover part deux, I will, I will, I will...
Back in March, I'm convinced that I had the dreaded 'C'. KO'd for two weeks I was. The unearthly fatigue, conjunctivitus, change in taste and utterly bizarre 'cytokinin' response were horrific. Two weeks of hell and ALWAYS in the 80% (as it turns out), not like these poor souls who were tipped over the edge.
In the midst of a 'very' dark place I used google maps and found a place of sanctuary I visited as a youth. I think it was a longing for my homeland, perhaps even a virtual comfort blanket for my exceedingly troubled and anxious soul. Again, goodness knows.
But whatever: 'BANG!'
Like a lily in the dirt at the bottom of a pond, slowly rising to the surface, and blossoming...this moment of map searching triggered an idea that I cannot get out of my head. The long and short; there's a new idea, a new book.
I want to share it with you; put it in your hands, put it in your heads.
I can only hope, this time, that our neo-liberal education system - based upon callous quantitative data and actuarial analysis (and largely overseen by Sociopathic ladder-climbers) - does NOT prevent me from delivering this.
It could be good; really good.
Much love.
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