Saturday, 8 August 2015

Why teachers/writers love the summer holidays.

Finally, I can write.

All I can see are days and days of blue sky ahead. writing terms, that is.

(Hey, I live in England, so this is clearly a metaphor.)

The plan is (and has been) to visit the coast as much and as often as possible. Charge the laptop to its four hour battery capacity. Drive/Train it to: Whitstable, St. Katharine's Dock (fav), Scarborough, etc.

Praying for a nice tax rebate like the one I received last year, and if it comes; I'll be going to Jersey on another Busman's holiday. Researching Islands and writing...while on holiday...bliss...pure and simple.

Book one benefited greatly from my visit to the Isle of Wight three years ago. And, as the whole series is set on an Island, I'll do a lot of walking, thinking and planning. Here's hoping Mr. Taxman.

St Mary's Island is on the agenda for tomorrow. A reclaimed brownfield site. (I'm hoping in their redevelopment they didn't forget writer's coffee houses.)

Pic below shows where I'm at in Book 2. Word count over halfway now.

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