Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy.

I went to see this last night and I thought it was excellent - great characters, great laughs.

It got me thinking...

This whole concept of a guardian. Where are they now? I guess when we think about a guardian, we associate the term with people who look out for us/after us. In my teaching career - when I distributed letters for the pupils to take home - I was careful to mention, 'Get your mum, dad, or guardian to sign and return the slip.' So, I'm familiar with this particular and important role of a guardian in the lives of students.

But, what about the rest of the time?

We see societies made of people who don't always take ownership of their communities. They don't invest in their locale for many reasons. language barriers, political reasons, general despondancy etc. So, where are all the guardians in our lives? In days gone by, were guardians more prevalent? Do you have any in your lives right now?

A guardian is a protector, somebody who looks out for you. Someone who you can trust. Someone who cares...

Just think what a difference having guardians on the street where we lived would make. Just 2 or 3. Men and women who would have your best interests at heart. They'd look-out for you. Instead of fragmented communities ruled by fear and distrust...togetherness.

What I loved about Guardians of the Galaxy is that the protagonists had their faults! We don't have to be picture-perfect to care. Nobody is perfect. But, we can all choose to care... We can all make a difference if we engage.


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